Dangerous Driving
Driving a motorcycle in Vietnam can often be a hazard. One of my students has had a bandage on his pinky finger for a few weeks now, and he informed me of an unfortunate accident in which he was involved. I assumed it was a scratch and playfully suggested that he was "babying" it. Insisting upon the severity of his mishap, he removed the bandage and OH... MY... GOD!! He lost half his finger in the accident. From what I gathered, the hospital would have attached the missing half successfully if only he could have located it. Apparently, when his finger was severed, it fell into some sort of draining contraption on the road and was never to be found again. I shall remember this lesson and in the future drive a good fifteen feet in proximity to/from the nearest driver. Yikes!!

Today was a very lazy .. but good day. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather so I took it easy again today. I had phở bò (a traditional Vietnamese soup with beef and noodles) this morning with Long. Afterward, I came home and stayed in bed all day. I taught my favorite class tonight at KTV and managed to get a picture or two of them. They are wonderful and love to talk, and I love to listen to what they have to say. I wish every class were the same :)

Now I am in my bed again and will turn in for the night. Tomorrow will be another busy day of lounging around and the teaching of one class. Oh what a difficult life this Vietnamese living is!! troi oi!!
Friend, I am so sad for your student's finger. Please send him my sympathies and best wishes. On a happy note, you may now follow my blog! :)
have you had the dish pho ..I don't know how to spell it, but they pronounce it like fa...
A Vietnamese friend of mine is always speaking of that dish
oops. my last comment was filled with all kinds of embarrassing spelling errors. what i meant to say was
"that guy sure looks happy considering he just lost half a finger"
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