Tumultuous Tuesday
The day started out strangely as I woke up at 5:45am after being bitten by a mosquito. I'm just a bite away from malaria at any given point in this country. Astonishingly, this is the first mosquito bite I've felt in the three months I've been here. Not bad, I'd say. So I couldn't go back to sleep. I opted instead to check email and catch up on youtube videos. My motorbike started... for once.. this morning, and off I went to Dao and Duc's house for our private lesson. It was a good morning, and we got a lot accomplished.

Dao is becoming a good friend to me as he has vowed to fix everything for me that breaks! Well, he got his wish sooner than expected because I was en route to have coffee with a student of mine who I was going to help prepare for his English job interview when my bike wouldn't start yet again, AND it had a flat tire! I have become so frustrated with this stupid bike. I think I got myself so frustrated that I gave myself a migraine as my vision became blurred like it predictably does when a migraine is around the corner. So, I asked the lovely Ms. Patsy to cover my classes tonight at KTV, which she did, as I could rest and deal with the explosion in my head.
Then.. it rained... and rained... and rained. It was like Katrina all over again.. but not. It was windy, and the rain came down in sheets. It was indeed a good evening to just relax. I took a couple of pics of the rain outside my bathroom window, although they don't quite do the wind justice.
As I was sleeping and when the rain ceased, Dao brought his friend, a mechanic, to my home to get my bike. This bike is problematic, and I am indeed ready for a newer model. They went off .. one on one bike and the other on mine. And, surprisingly, Dao paid me money for ten lessons... $300, which is the equivalent of 5.1 million Vietnamese Dong. I'm super happy about that. I have money - hooray, but no bike as I will get it in the morning. Dao's friend was wonderful and recognized the problem just from looking at and listening to my bike - water in the engine.
Co Mai and Ti knocked on my door shortly after the boys left to check on me because it is quite a rareity for me to be home at any time in the evening. They immediately noticed my lack of energy and invited me over to eat rice with pork and drink coffee with them, Mr Phuong, and Teim. They have been wonderful to me, and I am thankful to have been "adopted" by them. Sometimes, I'd like to have a bit more privacy, but it's a trade off, I suppose.
Tonight, the "new" episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives come on so I will retire for the evening and enjoy my stories before drifting off to sleep.
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