Another Wedding Day
This morning was Ms. Ha's wedding party. Unfortunately (or fortunately, maybe) for me, I was allergic to everything on the menu except the sticky rice and french fries. I know the reception wasn't about me.. but seriously...

After the reception, a few of us met up at a neighborhood coffee shop. A little beggar boy came by our table, and I wiped his snotty nose with a wet nap. Call it my duty for the day and chalk it up to my contribution to society. I didn't give him money, but I cleaned his little face.

This afternoon and evening, I taught three classes at KTV. Yaye for work and money! I took two days off last weekend because I was sick, had two days off this week because of Christmas and will have two days off next week for New Year's. I need all the work I can get right now.
Time for bed. I am teaching alllll morning tomorrow. Good night.
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