My "Not-So-Secret" Stash
So, if you've kept up with my blogs, surely you know by now that I'm always soliciting care packages abundantly stocked with Bath and Body Works products. Actually, it's not so complicated as I only ever request two things: Body Splash (any scent, any fragrance, any color, any way, any how) and the Wallflower plug-in refills (also any scent, etc.). Bath and Body Works Wallflower plug-ins are little droplets of Heaven in a glass holder that plug into an electrical outlet, subsequently heating up the liquid fragrance and distributing an explosion of various gratifying aromas throughout any room. And beyond. Truly, it's a whiff of ecstasy in a wall socket. What I especially enjoy about them is that the delicious smell lasts an astonishing thirty days and can easily be distinguished a month after being plugged in, unlike those other pesky scented plug-ins that promise you stamina but go limp after only a few days. Side note: That's television commercial material right there! Copyrighted! Moving along, I discovered these splendid creatures in 2003 when I moved back to Lake Charles (Louisiana) from Miami (Florida). My dear, dear friend, teammate, and roommate, Michelle, worked at Bath and Body Works at that time and had these devices plugged in all through the house. That house smelled like an eruption of every flower on the planet, and I soon became very fond of the pleasant odor. Long story short, these plug-ins are wondrous in that they are long-lasting, smell yummy, and I just plain LOVE THEM! The only slight drawback here in Vietnam is that we use a 220v and not a 110v like back in the states, where the plug-ins are produced. So, I dredged down deep into my white trash roots to the depth of my soul and conjured up a perfect plan! There are these Raid mosquito repellent 220v plug-in creations made here in Vietnam. So I channeled my white trash roots, rigged that Raid device up, and discovered a way to "Make It Work." By emptying that smelly Raid fluid out and replacing it with my wallflower refills scents, I brought about a masterpiece! This is why I never ask for the plug-ins with care packages as I can't use them here. So, you see, I'm actually saving YOU money by requesting only the refills and not the plug-in itself. The glass is half full. All this to say that I've amassed quite a collection of refills and plug-ins. Now, don't think for one second that because of the multitude of aromas in my arsenal that I can't use more! The 220v burns the fragrance twice as fast as the 110v so keep 'em comin'! I mean it! I guess I should point out the hypocrisy of my earlier statement declaring the scents last a full month. They do. Back home. Sadly, not here. However, one can never have too many of these things! True story.
Below are a few photos of my collection of wallflowers and refills, as well as the steps of the homemade, self-discovered transformation process - commencing with the charming Bath and Body Wallflower refill receptacle and concluding with the uninteresting, yet practical Raid mosquito killer container. You can take the boy out of the trailer park...
P.S. Body Splash Stash photo after the plug-in series.
My stash of Wallflowers - some plug ins but mostly refills.
Hello, Raid Mosquito Fighter on the left and Wallflower refill on the right. Side by side in harmony, the way nature intended.
The fragrant concoction has been poured into the dismal Raid container...
Stick in the outlet and VOILA!! 15 days of heavenly fragrant bliss..

My other "must-have" - Bath and Body Works Body Splashes. Any of them. These certainly come in handy on those hot, equatorial sunny days in Vietnam. As you can imagine, it's easy to get that not-so-fresh feeling in the middle of the day. And what better way to replenish that loss of natural aroma with a splash of Pineapple Passion Fruit Orange Grove Apple Orchard scent in a bottle! Below is a photo of my Body Splash stash.

Many many MANY thanks to you wonderful people who have been so kind and generous to send me care packages to Vietnam: Tara Chaumont, Brandi Romero Clement, Yem Huynh, Angela Davila, and my dear friend, Eric, who brought me a plethora of plug-in refills AND body splash all the way to Thailand last week, even though six bottles ruptured in transit and leaked all over his clothes :(
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Below are a few photos of my collection of wallflowers and refills, as well as the steps of the homemade, self-discovered transformation process - commencing with the charming Bath and Body Wallflower refill receptacle and concluding with the uninteresting, yet practical Raid mosquito killer container. You can take the boy out of the trailer park...
P.S. Body Splash Stash photo after the plug-in series.
My stash of Wallflowers - some plug ins but mostly refills.

My other "must-have" - Bath and Body Works Body Splashes. Any of them. These certainly come in handy on those hot, equatorial sunny days in Vietnam. As you can imagine, it's easy to get that not-so-fresh feeling in the middle of the day. And what better way to replenish that loss of natural aroma with a splash of Pineapple Passion Fruit Orange Grove Apple Orchard scent in a bottle! Below is a photo of my Body Splash stash.

Many many MANY thanks to you wonderful people who have been so kind and generous to send me care packages to Vietnam: Tara Chaumont, Brandi Romero Clement, Yem Huynh, Angela Davila, and my dear friend, Eric, who brought me a plethora of plug-in refills AND body splash all the way to Thailand last week, even though six bottles ruptured in transit and leaked all over his clothes :(
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You have officially made me want to go and buy some of the Wall Flower plug-ins!
Well, if you pick some up, you are surely more than welcomed to grab a few boxes of refills for me, too. haha
I'm curious- Wont the refills screw into the RAID ?
That's a rhetorical question, right? No?
I was wondering about that too. Can you screw the refill into the Raid plug in? I have the same problem as I am in Europe with a Wallflower/refill I can't use because its 220 v here.
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