Teachers' Day Photos
So, Teachers' Day (November 20) here in Vietnam is a big deal - parties, presents, trips, extravaganzas.. you name it! They loooovvveee their teachers here, and I loooovveee that they do! I enjoyed a couple of parties-slash-bbq's, and the managers from VietCom Bank even took Sophia and me to the beach and bought us fancy shmancy presents! Unfortunately, my camera broke so I didn't get my usual 200 snapshots. These below are borrowed from Sophia's iphone. Enjoy!
What would a party with me in attendance be without back flips?
Sophia and I enjoying some bbq beef kebabs and corn on the cob!

The whole neighborhood showed up! Fiestaaa!!

Unfortunately, there aren't many photos of us at the beach, but it was a very good day. We swam in the ocean and ate a fabulous lunch. The managers at the bank we teach presented us with flowers and bought me two Pierre Cardin shirts.. and a very nice Pierre Cardin wallet for Sophia.
Sophia and I hanging out after swimming in the ocean.
Me and "Milky Way.." Yes, that's the English nickname she chose for herself. Behind us is a rare sight: A very big boss at the bank who is usually very reserved and conservative really let her hair down at the beach! Love this picture! It's a rareity!
After we got back from the day at the beach, the managers invited us for coffee where they lavished us with gifts.

Unfortunately, there aren't many photos of us at the beach, but it was a very good day. We swam in the ocean and ate a fabulous lunch. The managers at the bank we teach presented us with flowers and bought me two Pierre Cardin shirts.. and a very nice Pierre Cardin wallet for Sophia.
Sophia and I hanging out after swimming in the ocean.

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