Friday, April 8, 2011

My Thoughts on the Government Shutdown

    The Republican party has backed themselves into a corner by letting the most extreme voices have the most clout. Now, those extreme voices are being told that while they can have some of what they want, they can't have it all - and they are shutting down the government out of stubbornness. In child-rearing, this move by Republicans is known as the "last stand" tantrum. A child will kick, scream, yell obscenities, break things - anything to keep the energy of an emotional high going while asserting some desperate attempt at control. I wonder which method of dealing with them would be best for America - refusing to rise to the bait and letting them tire themselves out, or a good long stint with their nose in the proverbial corner?
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    Blogger Katie said...

    I agree. and this just proves how non-secular america really is. my uterus is my uterus and no republican hiding behind "budget" negotiations gets to dictate about it.

    April 8, 2011 at 9:52 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    I love your uterus.

    April 8, 2011 at 10:08 PM  

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