Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freedom from the Commies Day

Today, South Vietnam (where I live) celebrated their national day of freedom from the rule of the Communist North. Although, I'm not so sure about this holiday because all of Vietnam is still Communist. So.. I'm confused about that.
Anyway, tonight I took Sophia and her family out to dinner. They have always been so wonderful to me so I wanted to do something nice for them. Here are some photos we took tonight.
Going to sleep now. Gotta get up early to take the bus to the mountain town of DaLat for a three day getaway! Very excited about it! No laptop. Just my friend, me, the mountains, and lots of relaxation! See ya on Sunday!

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    Nino and Luis

    The semester before my graduation, two very special friends played an important role in my life. I had a rough time the semester before, landing in some trouble, and ended up in Collette Dorm. Luis immediately befriended me, and I became very close with him. Nino and I were already friends and grew even closer that semester. Good friends are forever. I miss those guys. They called me yesterday from the states. Unfortunately, I couldn't talk long as I was in the middle of lunch, but it was great to hear their voices and a wonderful feeling to know that they were thinking about me. Miss you guys!

    Photo 1: With Nino and Photo 2: With Luis

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      Monday, April 27, 2009

      Upcoming Vacation!

      So today my friend .. you know.. made plans for us to go to DaLat for a holiday coming up at the end of this week. I have off from work Thursday through Sunday so we are going to a town in the mountains of Vietnam. I am very excited about it.. and excited to travel with my friend. Hopefully, I'll meet these guys while I'm there. Choreography!

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        Sunday, April 26, 2009

        Thank You for Being a Friend

        If you know me well, you know that I have gone to bed just about every night since 1992 with The Golden Girls playing in first my vcr, then dvd player, and now laptop. I have every episode now on dvd and have had every episode on vhs for 17 years, and can recite to anyone word for word any scene or even entire episode from the show.

        Having said that, today marks a sad day as Bea Arthur, who played Dorothy on The Golden Girls, passed away from cancer. I know it's borderline facetious, but I really feel like I've lost a friend. For 17 years, I've bonded with the actors of this sitcom. Only nine months ago, all four "girls" were living. Last July, Estelle Getty - Sophia - died. Today, her daughter on the show, Dorothy, is gone.

        So, Bea... Dorothy Zbornak... for 17 years... thank you for being a friend to me! You will be missed.

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          My favorite performance from Anoop Desai - American Idol

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            Saturday, April 25, 2009

            Waterfall Park

            Today, I went to an area.. park, I guess you would call it.. that I saw on google earth and wanted to go there to explore a bit. It was about a 45 minute drive from my house by bike. Below are a few photos of the beautiful scenery. Enjoy!

            And.. a random karaoke establishment in the middle of all this nature.

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              Friday, April 24, 2009

              Impressed with my World/Horizon Class

              Tonight was the last night teaching my World/Horizon class as they will move on to Level 7 next week; I don't teach Level 7. They were the first class I taught, and I have grown very close to them the eight months I've been teaching them.

              Tonight's lesson was on "Touchy Subjects," and I gave them five choices of topics to debate. They chose gay marriage. I was really impressed with and proud of their points because this communist country isn't so open about non traditional lifestyles. I think it takes courage for them to think outside of their environment, and I was especially impressed that none of them brought up religion in the debate.

              It was a great night to end on. We'll have a party in two weeks so I can say goodbye to them.

              My stomach is in knots tonight so I'm gonna call it an early night. Good night.

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                .. completely sums up my feeling and look after my 3+ mile runs every super early morning!

                Thursday, April 23, 2009

                aww Bye, Anoop

                One of my favorite Idol contestants was voted off today. So sad to see him go, but I'm even sadder that America is still not ready for an Indian-American Idol. Truly, he deserved to be in the Top 5. Bye, Anoop. Enjoy the tour!

                Today I got more flowers as a gift! Hoorah! And also adding to my day was the fact that I ran non-stop over 3 miles this morning. Now, if I could only lay off chocolate, milk, and Korean noodles, I might lose some more weight. Ah, my eternal struggle between sugar and exercise! And, Alicia had her baby girl! Congratulations!!! Maybe I mentioned that already. Sorry.
                America is still abuzz about Miss California's answer. All said and done, she DIDN'T answer the question, and I wish everyone could see that instead of making more of it and distracting from the fact that she simply didn't answer the question. She should have talked about a state legislative perspective instead of giving her own religious beliefs and personal opinion about the indirect subject. In short, she gave an indirect response.

                Time for bed... after I eat my late-night noodles. G'nite.

                Wednesday, April 22, 2009

                YAYE for Alicia!

                Her water broke today.. as announced via twitter. Congratulations, Alicia!! Can't wait to hear from you when you get back home with the new baby. Seems like only yesterday you were leaving me a comment on my blog.. oh.. wait.. you were.. and now.. you're all.. a parent and all! yaye!

                I was thinking about something this morning while I was running. I wish all Americans could move to a third world country to see how people really struggle to even eat. I was running and saw a man and thought, "Man! I wish I were that skinny!" And then I thought about how horrible that thought was and how much I take my life for granted. This man most assuredly wasn't so emaciated by choice. Some of these people here simply don't have the means to even buy food. They work so hard for maybe $1 a day.. maybe. I just thought about how lucky I am to have my English speaking skills that I can have a better life for myself. These people here.. for them.. English IS their ticket out of their situation. English is the global language. No English = no job = no way out of their slums. So I thank Buddha, God, and whoever else for the pure LUCK that I was born in the country I was born in. I have so many opportunities. I think Americans as a culture have become very egocentric, and I truly think every American should see the world and see people outside of their own comfort zone. It's truly eye opening, and it makes me appreciate my life and want to help these people here have the best English they can possibly have.

                With that, good night. My twitter updates are below to show the boring day I had. No need to blog about those boring days any more. I'll find other avenues in which to use this blog.

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                  Tuesday, April 21, 2009

                  For Aurelia... and Alicia

                  okay.. I'm off hiatus, girls. Thanks for cheering me up and making me feel like my blog (and subsequent life) is worthwhile.. ha!

                  Here's what I did today: Ran about 3 miles, went grocery shopping, saw Nick and his girl at the supermarket, napped, taught one a half classes, and just got home from coffee with my running partner, Charlie.

                  Boring, yes, but my life is boring these days. Apologies.

                  I'm going to take my friend's (Dennis) advice and start taking photos of things around here in Vietnam that are apart of my life. I may bring my camera to the park tomorrow to take pictures of where I run. Hey, it's a start!

                  Good night.

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                    This blog has been a way to keep my friends and family updated on my daily life here in Vietnam, thus deeming it unnecessary to talk with them every day. After being told by several people that my blog is boring, I have decided not to blog daily. I will only blog when something interesting happens. My apologies that you have found my life mundane and drab.

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                      an Early Day

                      I woke up at 4:30 this morning because a stupid mosquito bit my foot. Ugh! Malaria! So there was no point in going back to sleep so I ran early this morning at 5am. When I got to the park and was on my second lap, these old ladies said Hello to me, and I replied in Vietnamese. On my third lap, they asked me if I was married, and on my fourth lap, they tried to form a human chain to Red Rover me, I guess. I don't really know. They were just being playful, but I had on my mp3, and when I'm in run mode, I'm in run mode. I don't want to chit chat and talk with anyone (unless it's my running partner). So I only did 4 laps, ran to the park, and ran back home. It's equivalent to two miles so it was a decent workout. Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to running with Charlie, my running partner. Plus, I'll go at 6am. Maybe the ladies will be gone by then. And Charlie will keep them from bothering me, I hope, since he speaks the language.

                      After I finished running, I crashed in my bed until 9am. I met Mr. Mark for pho, and we chatted and caught up. We then went to buy a keyboard, and he gave me his other one as mine has been acting up for the past.. oh.. 2 years.

                      Lazy me.. I napped again in the afternoon, woke up, showered, shaved, ironed, and ventured off to KTV to teach two classes tonight.

                      I didn't see em today. Hopefully tomorrow.

                      And I watched the Miss USA pageant on youtube. Poor Miss California and her terrible answer. I was rooting for her until she dumbed herself down on the final question.

                      For now, sleepy time. Am meeting Charlie at 6am to go running. Good night.

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                        Sunday, April 19, 2009

                        Wonderful Sunday

                        Canceled my classes this morning at KTV because I just need one day to relax. Although I only teach two classes a day, I'm working every single day now. I just need a day every now and again to sleep in the morning and just rest. Especially since I've been feeling tired lately, I needed this morning to rest in bed so that's what I did.

                        Em came over just before noon. We had a good visit and then went out for lunch. After that, we went to the market to buy me a clothes' rack. With my new and improved body, I'm buying new clothes left and right. yaye for cheap Abercrombie shirts in Saigon Square!!

                        We came home and then took a two and a half hour nap. Both of us. Wow! It was great and much needed after the exercise we did before lunch.

                        Em made banana pies for me, washed dishes, and then had to go to church. I feel lonely, but.. all for the right reasons. Being in love again totally kicks ass. I want this time in my life to last forever. Life is wonderful.

                        Off to bed now. Gotta get up early and run around the park. Good night, everyone.

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                          Saturday, April 18, 2009

                          Feeling a bit Better

                          So, yesterday morning and this morning I didn't run because I was just so tired. I don't know why. Maybe I exercised too much during the week. Anyway, I am feeling better tonight and hope to hit the park tomorrow running again. As my student told me on Friday, "Teacher, you look thinner.. but.. you're still fat." Thanks.

                          Today, I slept in until about 7am and really just stayed in bed all morning. Em came over about 1pm and brought grapes and Vitamin C. I was forced to eat and drink both. Afterward, we took a very long nap. It was wonderful. We got up and went to dinner at Lang Toi. We had a great meal together and enjoyed each other's company. After finishing, I went to work to teach a class tonight. It was an enjoyable class.

                          Now, of course, I'm in bed. "A Haunting" is about to come on Discovery Channel... so I'm bundled up in my sheets and going to watch it. Scary shows put me to sleep. Good night.

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                            Friday, April 17, 2009

                            Nothing Special

                            I slept in this morning.. until 7:45am. I took a day off from running because I was super tired. My body needed to rest, so I let it. I went shopping this morning for a few things. I got some brown hair dye for my hair because I surely have a crapload of grey hair since I'm letting my hair grow out now for the first time in a very long time. Who knew it was there? I've kept it so short for 2 years now. When did I go grey? AHHH!!

                            Em came over today to check on me because I was just tired and not feeling enthusiastic. Went out and bought me some medicine just in case. What a sweetheart! I'm so lucky. My life is great to finally have someone in it to share everything with. It's nice to be loved and to love back.

                            I slept after em left for a couple of hours, got up, and went to KTV in the afternoon to prep for my lessons, came back home, got dressed, and taught two classes tonight. I met em after work for coffee, followed me home to make sure I made it safely... so sweet. Can you see my smile from where you are sitting? :D

                            Now, time for bed. I'm debating running in the morning because my body is still tired. I've got Giao's party in the morning, also, and one class tomorrow night at 7:45. All day free! What a great life! Good night.

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                              Thursday, April 16, 2009

                              Anh Yeu Em

                              Woke up about 5:25 this morning, ran out the door at 5:30, and Charlie was waiting for me at the park. It was difficult this morning, but I ran 6 laps and walked 4. Good exercise. I need to run the full 8 tomorrow morning, though, so I can run an even 3 miles.

                              Em came over today, and we studied... and played, of course. It was a good afternoon.

                              It stormed something awful later in the afternoon, and I fell asleep with the sound of the rain on my tin roof. I love that sound.

                              I taught a class at KTV tonight. It was a good class.

                              Boring day for the most part with some bright spots here and there. Bedtime now as I must get up early to run 3 miles! Good night.

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                                Wednesday, April 15, 2009

                                Morning in Saigon

                                Got up super early this morning - 4:45 to be exact. I ran out the door at 5:15am to do my three miles at the park. I worked up a serious sweat this morning as my entire shirt was SOAKED. 8 laps are three miles, and Charlie joined in on my 7th lap. I ran 7, walked 1, ran another and walked another. Charlie took me home on his bike because I was DONE! I took a pic of how I look after I finish running three miles. I don't know if the camera even almost did justice to my wet t-shirt.
                                After running, Jimmy and I rented a car and driver and went into Saigon to run some errands. I had to pick up my passport and visa that FINALLY came in so YAYE I'm legally in this country again. My passport is now in the custody of Co Mai and her safe so that I don't lose it.. again. After picking up my passport, we went to Saigon Square and did some shopping. I bought some Abercrombie shirts, and he bought underwear. We came back to Bien Hoa and ate lunch together. He went home, and I took a short nap because it was interrupted with Ms. Yen calling me to tell me of a schedule change. So, my usual three-hour nap was downsized to thirty minutes. I'm tiredddd now and am going to bed soon.
                                I taught two classes tonight at KTV, and when I arrived home, there was a special gift waiting for my on my table. Co Mai bought me a candy bar. I ate a small piece tonight, of course, but I love those nice little gifts in life. I put the remainder of the bar in the fridge for later. Picture below, and off I go to bed. Good night.

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                                  Tuesday, April 14, 2009


                                  This morning, I started my run at 5:30. My goal today was to run 3 miles non-stop. I did it! And then some.. I ran to the park, did three miles there, and was starting on my back tucks when Charlie showed up. He slept late. Anyway, while he ran his mile and a half, I threw TWENTY standing backs. My back is feeling it tonight, though. No more standing backs for a while. But yaye for my power run!

                                  After running, Charlie and I hung out for a bit before he had to go to work at 8am. I came home and took a little nap. Jimmy came to my house a little after 11am, and we went to Big C for lunch at Pizza Hut - hooray! Then we went shopping, and I bought a shirt and tie combo, some milk, some file folders, and some KOREAN NOODLES!!! Hoorah! I'm surely about to eat some now.

                                  We came back from shopping, and Jimmy went to the market to buy roses and a vase for my bare living/dining room table. He said to me, "You need flowers." So.. he went and bought a dozen roses, cut them all, and arranged them in a vase for me. :D It was a good day.

                                  We crashed for a couple of hours, and then I went to KTV to teach a shift and a half. I'm going to eat my noodles and go to bed because tomorrow is a busy day. Gotta run early, then Jimmy and I are going to Saigon to run some errands, then back to teach two classes in the evening. Pictures of Jimmy and flowers below. Good night.

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                                    Monday, April 13, 2009

                                    Back to Monday

                                    Last night was such a strange night. I fell asleep before 8pm and woke up at exactly midnight. I couldn't get back to sleep so I stayed up, playing chess, and checking videos. Oh, I beat the computer at chess last night without even getting one of my pieces captured!! I took a picture of it to prove it! Sometimes, I'm a nerd.

                                    So I finally fell asleep, I guess, between 3 and 4am. At 5:30, it was storming so I opted to continue sleeping instead of running, obviously. I woke up at 7am, checked email, news, and ran the park at about 7:45am. I don't like running at that time - too many people in the streets. Believe it or not, at this stage in my life, I don't like being looked at, stared at, and generally being the center of attention. Hard to believe, I know, but it's true and how I feel. So, I'll go in the morning at my usual 5:30am to avoid the awkward glances and competition with traffic.
                                    After I finished my run, I met Mark for pho. His school really seems to be taking off, and I'm happy for him. I got home from breakfast, and took a nap. So lazy! I woke up about 1pm, I guess, and just watched tv and goofed off, basically. It was a good day to be lazy so I took advantage of it.

                                    I went into work a little early to prepare my lessons for the two classes I taught tonight. I love my job because I don't teach until 6pm every day! It's a wonderful life to have the entire day free, teach a class or two, make wonderful money, and live in a third world country where money goes super far. I am extremely content with my life. Not to mention my "em yeu."

                                    So, now, I'll go to sleep. Gotta wake up early to run in the morning. Three miles tomorrow.. three miles. I'll try to do it without stopping. Good night, everyone!

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                                    Happy Easter

                                    Ahhhh!! I just posted all about my day and lost all my info! Here goes again: the short version.

                                    I slept in until 6am. I didn't run. No rest on Easter Sunday in this communist country so I taught two shifts at KTV in the morning. I finished at 11:15 and Giao and I met Jimmy and Hung at Sun and Sand Cafe for lunch. This place has become Giao and my hangout on the weekends. Afterward, Jimmy and I came back to my crib and chilled for the afternoon.

                                    Jimmy left, and I opted not to take a nap and instead went to Coopmart to buy milk and double chocolate Milano cookies. I was missing my friends and family on this holiday, so I drank some Korean red wine (bokbunja) that I had in my fridge. Yes, yes, I drank alone. Isn't that a sign of alcoholism? Anyway, I'll run it all off in the morning. Below are some pics from lunch. Giao will KILL me when she sees her pic! Later.

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                                      Saturday, April 11, 2009

                                      My New Backyard = Soccer Field

                                      So this morning, I almost slept late, but I got a text at 5:15am from my friend, Charlie, who wanted to run with me. So, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and headed out the door at 5:25am, met him at 5:30am, and off we ran to the park. Poor Charlie - he couldn't hang with me :) yaye for my stamina! He walked a lot while I ran my usual 2 1/2 miles. I threw one standing back just for the hell of it. It was kind of nice to have a running buddy, but I felt like it held me back a little because I don't like to talk when I'm running. I have my mp3 going, and I'm in my zone.

                                      After that, I showered, got dressed, and taught a class at KTV at 7:30am. I finished at 9:15am, and quickly came home because Jimmy and I had plans for the rest of the morning and all afternoon. We hung out at my house in the morning and went next door to a coffee shop for lunch. After that, we saw the movie "Unborn" at the movie theater. It was okay. We came home and surely did take a two-hour nap. I woke up so "out of it." He went home, and I got dressed to teach another class at KTV at 7:30pm. It was a very good class, and I enjoyed it.

                                      Now, I'm home and getting ready for bed because Charlie and I are running again at 5:30am. And after that, I'll teach two classes in the morning at KTV, then hang out with Jimmy after that.

                                      Below, my new backyard, a soccer field. And a pic of Jimmy. Good night.

                                      Friday, April 10, 2009

                                      10 April

                                      Sorry about the lackluster title. I'm tired.

                                      This morning, I woke up at 5:15 and ran out the door at 5:30am. Today was a little different as I threw 20, yes TWENTY, standing back tucks along with my usual run. Yaye me! Abwork!! I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow when I wake up.

                                      When I returned home from my run, two of the monks from the temple were there waiting. I took a shower, joined them and Co Mai for coffee and eggs, and we taxid off to another temple here in town where there is some sort of five-day Buddhist retreat. I saw a lot of the monks and nuns there. I was so happy to see them, and I got to spend some time with Tien. He was happy to see me, and I was happy to see him. I stayed at the temple and visited with the monks until 10am. Then, I came home via motorbike taxi. Fun!

                                      Of course, I took a two hour nap upon my return, woke up, and went into work about 2pm to do some early prep for the two lessons I had tonight. I think it's the start of rainy season as it's been raining every day. I got caught in a downpour, but thank goodness for durable raincoats in Vietnam!

                                      Jimmy wore the shirt I gave him tonight. I kinda figured he would. If he hadn't, I would have been disappointed.

                                      I'm going to hit the hay now. Early morning tomorrow as usual. Good night.

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                                        Thursday, April 9, 2009

                                        Oh what a good day!

                                        This morning, I woke up about 5:15. I headed out the door at 5:30am to run. I got a good run in as I ran all the way to the park, did 2.15 miles there, and ran back home. I didn't tumble this morning. My back was hurting so I just ran. Run, Forrest, Run!!

                                        Afterward, I met Mark for breakfast. It was rushed as I had to get home because Jimmy and I were going to see an early movie. Of course, he was super late - which is the Vietnamese way. I need to learn that. As of yet, I'm still taking everyone at face value when it comes to time.

                                        Anyway, Jimmy showed up about 10:30 maybe. We caught the 12:15 movie of Uninvited and had lunch at Coopmart after the movie.

                                        Side note: He liked the shirt I bought him yesterday.

                                        After eating lunch, I bought a few things at the supermarket, and we came home. He had to set off for church so he left when it stopped raining, which was around 3:30, I think.

                                        Of course, I napped for about an hour and a half, woke up, and exercised for thirty minutes while watching the Idol results. Yes, two workouts today, but I had eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast and rice and pork for lunch. Remember, my goal for Saturday is to be 90kg. Basically, 90kg means I am under 200lbs (199, to be exact). And I haven't been out of the 200s for two and a half years. I will be so happy! And I'll be even HAPPIER when I get down to 84kg. Try Try Try!!

                                        Tonight, I taught one class at KTV. It was good, but I'm tired now so off to bed I go. Gotta wake up early to run, ya know! Good night!

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                                          Wednesday, April 8, 2009

                                          A Morning in Saigon

                                          Seriously, I must be on crack.. again. I woke up at 4:40 this morning and was out the door at 5:30am to go running. Who gets up that early to go running? I've got problems!!

                                          Giao and I left this morning at 9am to go to Saigon to run errands. I didn't know she gets carsick. Poor her. :( We went to the US consulate to pick up my passport. Then, we went to another building to drop my passport off so that I could apply for my VISA. That will be in soon. Then I'll officially be legal again! yaye! After our appointment, we went SHOPPING at Saigon Square. I bought a couple of Abercrombie shirts and picked up one for Jimmy as well. I hope he likes it, and I hope it fits. I'll give it to him tomorrow. I got Giao a dress for being so lovely and accompanying me to Saigon. "ma nho odau??"

                                          Giao and I got back into Bien Hoa about 1pm. Of COURSE I took a nap. Some things never change.

                                          I taught two classes tonight at KTV. They were fine. I'm a little sore and tired from this morning's "Up before dawn" marathon. I'm really trying to be 90kg by the end of the week. I'm stuck at 91kg.. grrrr!! Maybe tomorrow I'll put it two sessions instead of one.

                                          Time for bed now. Gotta get up early to run. Good night.

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                                            Tuesday, April 7, 2009

                                            What a Day!

                                            Where do I begin?

                                            Ah, let's start with waking up this morning at 5:30! I was too lazy to run to the park so Mr. Phong and I walked there from the house. Once there, I ran a little over two miles and walked a bit. It was definitely difficult to run this morning. Don't know why. I threw some back handspring series for ab work. No back tucks though - too blah and worn out from the run.

                                            Jimmy came over this morning, and we hung out a bit before going to lunch. Afterward, we went for coffee, and Giao met up with us. It was a good visit, and I'm always happy to see my lovely friend.

                                            Jimmy and I went back to my house after coffee. He left around 3:30pm, and I slept for about an hour and a half. Gotta have my naps!!

                                            Tonight on the way to work, there were all these things flying all over the place. I had no idea what they were. After arriving at work, I learned that moths swarm this time of year. Not cute.. and ESPECIALLY not cute when you drive a motorcycle!!

                                            At work, Mr. Mark #2 got pissy and quit. He was socially retarded anyway so no loss.. EXCEPT that he was teaching Tran Dai Nghia High School in my place. So, guess what that means? I have to go back to teaching there on Thursday mornings. Not ideal and not happy, but Mr. Thom said it's only for two weeks. I'm going to take him on his word. Although it's not a terrible situation, it's just not an environment that I enjoy. Two weeks.. two weeks. I can do it.

                                            Oh.. I also learned today that my passport is ready! Hooray!! So, Giao and I are going to Saigon tomorrow morning (after I run) to pick it up. I then have to drop it off at a tour guide place to get my VISA so that I can be here in this country legally! We're going shopping after that. Gotta get some new pants, shirt, and a tie. And Giao wants something, too. heh!

                                            Bedtime now. Gotta be up early to exercise this lunch off that I had today.

                                            Below, some pictures from last weekend. Enjoy!

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                                              Monday, April 6, 2009

                                              Happy Monday

                                              I forgot to set my alarm this morning so instead of waking up at 5:45am, I woke up at 6am. I brushed my teeth, washed my face off, and headed out the door to run my usual three miles or so. I had a good run, and my stamina is definitely improving. Maybe I'll slowly start to increase my amount of exercise time in the latter part of this week.

                                              I took a three hour nap today, and it was wonderful! I hope I can sleep tonight. It was a good day but busy night of teaching. Nothing exciting to report. Gonna get in the bed now, relax, and try to fall asleep because 5:45 comes early! 'Nite

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                                                Sunday, April 5, 2009

                                                Binh Minh

                                                Sunrise! Here's what it looks like out my back window at 5:45am when I head out for my morning run.

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                                                  Saturday, April 4, 2009

                                                  King's Death Anniversary.. or something

                                                  So today is a Vietnamese holiday. It's the anniversary (not sure which) of a king's (again, not sure which) death. However, that did not deter Mr. Thom from scheduling a meeting this morning at 9am.

                                                  To start the day, I woke up at 5:30am, and I was out of the house by 5:45am running up a storm! I knew that today I would be drinking beer and eating my behind off because my friend, Tuan Anh, was coming up from Saigon so I ran extra!

                                                  I met Tina and Philip from the Espresso class for coffee at 8am. They ate breakfast, but I just had coffee.

                                                  After the meeting, Tuan Anh came up, and we hung out and had lunch. Tonight, we ate Korean with Joo Hyun, my hyung, and Sophia. Here are some pics below. Now, I'm going to bed because I must work in the morning... Good night.

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                                                    Friday, April 3, 2009

                                                    Sleepy Day

                                                    My alarm woke me up this morning at 5:45. Got up and ran around the lake and park. I got in about thirty five minutes of cardio plus threw ten standing back tucks for my ab workout. I came home, showered, ate some cereal, and took a morning nap.

                                                    The plumbers came again today to fix my toilet. There must be something stuck in the pipe. Not exactly sure, but all is well now.. for this week anyway.

                                                    After they left, I took another nap until it was ready to iron my clothes and shove off to work. I taught a class, helped Ms. Yen with her paper, met up with Mr. Mark for cheeseburgers, and came home and ate chocolate. I will run extra hard in the morning to work it all off, I promise. It's Friday night. I needed cheeseburgers and chocolate!

                                                    Now, I'm gonna head to bed. Running in the morning, then a meeting at KTV, and dinner at a Korean restaurant with Joo Hyun and Sophia tomorrow night. Good night.
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                                                      My Poor Backyard

                                                      The latest catastrophic construction behind my house... Makes me sad. I miss the jungle.

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                                                        Thursday, April 2, 2009

                                                        Day with the Girls

                                                        This morning started with a wonderful run at 6am. I got a very good workout in by running around the park and lake. Step by step, my endurance will build up and I will exercise longer.

                                                        After finishing my workout, I showered, of course, and Sophia and I took a taxi to Big C to go shopping. I found a great shirt and tie store there that has shirts for big people (me). Everyone in this country is so small. I think it's because of the fact that Vietnam has yet to be infiltrated by fast food chains such as McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Popeye's, etc. So I bought two shirts and two ties. Very happy about that. Also went to the supermarket and bought some things I desperately needed, including new earphones for my mp3.

                                                        When I returned from shopping, I met Giao for lunch, and we had a nice lunch together. I wasn't feeling spectacularly well (maybe from all the exercising or the absence of breakfast) so I went home and took a good nap. I woke up, exercised another thirty minutes on my machine, and headed off to work to teach a class at KTV. After class, I met up with a few students, and we had coffee together. Some students like me... and that makes me feel good. :)

                                                        I'm going to bed now. Gotta get up early to run that park and lake again! Good night.

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                                                          Wednesday, April 1, 2009

                                                          April Fools!!

                                                          This morning I slept until 7am. That was too late for me to run at the park. Actually, it wasn't, but that's the excuse that was implanted in my head. I did eat pho with Mr. Mark for the first time in WEEKS! It was good to see him and catch up.

                                                          I did get a jog in this afternoon about 3. Maybe I got about a mile and a half run out if it. It was hot; I was lazy.

                                                          I taught a class tonight at KTV, and today was PAYDAY!!! Good times for that.

                                                          I met Tommy and William after work for coffee. Now, I'm home and gonna watch tv before crashing. Below are some pics I took tonight of Sophia's class. I wore all black to look thinner.. haha. Good night.

                                                          And you can follow me on twitter now!

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